• 闻思之基
  • 中国佛教八大宗派

    时间:2014/11/10 浏览次数:2003 作者:admin 点赞:204


      佛教传入中国,经过长期发展,于隋唐盛世进入鼎盛时期。这一时期,佛门人才济济,高僧辈出,因修证方法各具特色,形成了佛教宗派。其中对后世影响较 大的有八大宗派,包括:三论宗(又名法性宗)、唯识宗(又名法相宗)、天台宗、华严宗(贤首宗)、禅宗、净土宗、律宗、密宗(又名真言宗)。即通常所说的 性、相、台、贤、禅、净、律、密八大宗派。




    1、三论宗:三论宗因以龙树菩萨的《中 论》、《十二门论》和提婆菩萨的《百论》为主要典籍而得名。因着重阐扬诸法性空,所以又称法性宗。此宗自鸠摩罗什大师译出三论以来,研究三论者代 不乏人。至隋吉藏大师而集大成,正式创立了三论宗。初兴起时流传很盛,至唐代渐衰。


    2、唯识宗:是由印度的弥勒、无著、世 亲创立的宗派。此宗主要依据《解深密经》、《瑜伽师地论》、《成唯识论》等。因为是以弥勒说,无著记录整理的《瑜伽师地论》为根本教典而立宗,所以叫瑜伽 宗。我国唐代玄奘法师译传此宗,为东土初祖。以分析法相表达唯认真性而得名法相宗。由于该宗的创始人玄奘大师和窥基大师长住慈恩寺,窥基大师还有慈 恩大师之称,因此又称慈恩宗。此宗名相众多、义理繁复,以转识成智为宗旨。唐代盛行后渐衰。


    3、天台宗:天台宗是中国佛教史上创立 最早的一个宗派,渊源于南北朝,初创于隋兴盛于唐。隋代智者大师创立,因智者大师常住浙江天台山而得名。此宗主要依据的经典是《法华经》、《大智度论》、 《中论》等。天台宗被称为教下门庭,教理与观行并重,提出三谛圆融、一念三千,由圆解而圆修、圆证。该宗起初流传不广,后来却很盛行,唐宋两代相 继传承,发扬光大,并传入日本、朝鲜。


    4、华严宗:因以《华严经》为主要经典 而得名。始于隋代杜顺,实际创始人法藏大师,被武则天赐号贤首,故又称贤首宗。该宗主要发掘法界缘起的旨趣,教理核心为法界缘起说,认为宇宙 万法相即相入,相互依持,圆融无碍。澄观在唐德宗时受封清凉国师,华严势力大张。唐武宗灭佛后,一蹶不振,但传入日本。北宋后有恢复。


    5、禅宗:公元500年前后,由印度高僧菩提达磨传入中国。虽说禅宗单传心印,不立文字,教 外别传,但禅宗四祖以前皆以《楞伽经》印心,弘忍、慧能又教人诵持《金刚经》。所以《楞伽经》、《金刚经》是此宗依据的经典,此外还有《六祖坛经》。禅宗 在中国一直很兴盛,从唐朝至今,是中国佛教势力最大,流传最广的宗派,并先后传入日本、朝鲜。禅宗祖师大德们,有的常年居住在山林里,吃的是野菜杂果,穿 提粗布麻衣,虽然生活是这样的清贫淡泊,但是他们的禅定之乐是无穷的。


    6、净土宗:以专心致志念阿弥陀佛,求生西方极乐净土为宗旨而得名,又 称莲宗。初祖为慧远。实际创立者为唐代善导。历代祖师并无前后传承法统,均为后人据其弘扬净土的贡献推戴而来。此宗主要依据的经典是《阿弥陀佛经》、 《般舟三昧经》、《无量寿经》、《观无量寿经》等。该宗由于修行方法简便,故自中唐以后广泛流行。宋明以后与禅宗融合,其他如律宗、天台宗、华严宗等,也 都兼修念佛法门。


    7、律宗:律宗以研习及传持戒律而得名。初祖为道宣。因创宗人道宣律师常住终南山,而又名为南山宗南山律宗 以《四分律》为依据,规定了受戒、说戒、安居以及衣食坐卧的标准。至今中国僧尼出家受戒和日常生活,均按这一派行事,律宗因而通于各宗。唐代时由鉴真传入日本。


    8、密宗:密宗也称为密教”“秘密 教”“真言乘”“金刚乘等。由善无畏、金刚智、不空等在八世纪时传入中国。密宗根本经典是《大日经》《金刚顶经》,由于这两部佛经讲释迦牟尼佛法身大日 如来内证法乐,秘密真言教法,所以又称真言宗。该宗认为世界万物、佛和众生皆由地、水、火、风、空、识六大所造。 色 法属胎藏界;心法属金刚界。主张色心不二,金胎为一。行者依理事观行,修习三密瑜伽(相应)而获得悉地(成就)。密宗仪轨严密,所有设坛、供养、诵 咒、灌顶等,均有严格规定,需经阿阇梨(规范师)秘密传授。不经灌顶和秘密传授,不得任意传习,及显现于人。密宗在唐代盛行一时,会昌法难后断绝。然由惠 果阿奢黎传给空海,空海回日本后,建立真言宗,至今传承不衰,已逾1200年。(圆慧编辑)


    Chinese Eight Buddhist Schools

    Edited and Translated by Yuanhui


    Buddhism developed for a long time since it was brought into China, and had its heyday during the Sui and Tang Dynasties. There were so many eminent monks and formed into various schools with unique practices. Among the Buddhist schools, there are eight eminent ones: San Lun, Wei Shi, Tian Tai, Hua Yen (Xian Shou), Chan, Jing Tu, Vinaya and Esoteric Buddhism, generally known as Xing, Xiang, Tai, Xiang, Chan, Jing, Lu, Mi in China.


    The eight Buddhist schools all base on Buddha’s teachings and belong to Mahayana Buddhism. They emphasize on different sutras and practices, but their basic doctrines are compatible. The eight schools take particular Buddhist sutras as their respective theory basis and have their own systematic practices.


    1. San Lun (Three Theatises) The lineage got the name because it was based on Bodhisattva Nagarjuna’s Shastra on the Middle Way, The Twelve Aspects Shastra, and Bodhisattva Deva’s Sata Shastra. The lineage emphasizes “sunyata is the nature of all dharmas”, so it was also called “Fa Xing Zong” (Dharma Nature School). Since Master Kumarajiva translated the three treatises, they were studied by Buddhists of different generations. Master Ji Zang in the Sui Dynasty was the idea collector, who formally set up San Lun School. The lineage was very flourishing at the beginning, but declined in the Tang Dynasty.


    2. Wei Shi This lineage was founded by Bodhisattva Maitreya, Asanga and Vasubandhu in India. Based on the Sutra of Revealing the Deep Esoteric, Shastra on the Stages of Yogacara and Collection of Consciousness-only Shastras, Master Xuan Zhuang in the Tang Dynasty translated the sutra and shastras and taught the doctrines, so he was reckoned as the first patriarch of Wei Shi Zong in China. The lineage analyzes different forms of Dharma, thus elucidates “the true Nature”, so it is also called as “Fa Xiang Zong” (Dharma Form School). The nominas and doctrines are very complicated; the spirit is to turn consciousness into wisdom. The lineage prevailed in the Tang Dynasty and declined later.


    3Tien Tai The first Buddhist School in China, can trace back to the Southern and Northern Dynasties, founded in the Sui Dynasty and flourished in the Tang Dynasty. Named after the mountains on which the founder Master Zhizhe resided, this lineage is based on the Lotus Sutra, Mahaprajna-Paramita Shastra, Shastra on the Middle Way, etc. Tien Tai Zong has been called as “the School of Buddhist Doctrines”, and emphasizes Buddhist doctrines as well as vipassana practice, and advocates “harmonizing the sunyata, the unreal and the middle way; containing the boundless universe in a single idea”. A Practitioner of Tien Tai School should first get fully understanding of Buddhist doctrines, then practice rightly and achieve complete enlightenment. The lineage wasn’t spread widely at first, but prevailed later in the Tang and Song Dynasty, and was introduced into Japan and Korea.


    4. Avatamsaka (Hua Yen, Ch.) This lineage takes its name from the Avatamsaka Sutra, its central sacred text. Hua Yen Zong was initiated by Master Dushun in the Sui Dynasty and its real founder Master Fazang was entitled as “Xian Shou” by Empress Wu Zetian, so it is also known as “Xian Shou Zong”. Basic to this lineage is the assertion that all things are materialization of dharmakaya, they coexist and interdependent. Master Chengguan was entitled as “State Master of Qingliang”, thus the influence of Hua Yen increased. The lineage declined after Emperor Wuzong of the Tang Dynasty destroyed Buddhism. Hua Yen School was introduced into Japan and the lineage renewed after the Song Dynasty in China.


    5. Chan Its name is derived from the Sanskrit term dhyana (meditation), this lineage emphasizes meditation as a mean to a spiritual awakening beyond words or thought, but the patriarchs regarded the Lankavatara Sutra as the checking criterion before the forth Patriarch Daoxin; while Patriarch Hong Ren and Hui Neng taught the Diamond Sutra. The Platform Sutra is another important sutra of Chan Zong. Chan is thought to have been brought to China by the enigmatic South Indian monk Bodhidharma in about the year 500 C.E. The lineage flourished ever since the Tang Dynasty, and was introduced into Japan and Korea. Many patriarchs of the Chan School lived in mountains, ate vegetables and wild fruits, and wore coarse clothes, while the joyance out of dhyana was endless.


    6. Jing Tu (Pure Land) Also known as “Lotus School”. A practitioner of this school concentrates his/her mind on Buddha Amitabha, thus purify his/her mind and wish he/she can be reborn in the western Pure Land. Pure Land School was founded in 402 C.E. by Master Huiyuan, but the actual founder was Master Shandao in the Tang Dynasty. The patriarchs are esteemed by the later generations; there is no lineage between them. Based on the Amitabha Sutra, Pratyutpanna-samadhi Sutra, Sutra of Infinite LifeSutra of Meditation on Amitabha Buddhaetc. The practice of this school is very convenient, so it has prevailed ever since the middle of the Tang Dynasty. The practice was absorbed into Chan, Vinaya, Tian Tai and Hua Yen etc., after Song and Ming Dynasty.


    7. Vinaya School It is noted for its strict precepts, founded by Master Daoxuan in the Tang Dynasty. Since Master Daoxuan lived in Mountain Zhongnan, it was also known as “Nanshan Zong” (Nanshan School). It is based on Vinaya of the Four Categories, and set criteria for ordination, the teaching of precepts, vassa and monastic routines. The precepts are followed even today and are adopted in all Chinese Buddhist Schools. The lineage was introduced into Japan by Master Jianzhen in the Tang Dynasty.


    8. The Esoteric School Also known as Esoteric Buddhism, Mantrayana, Vajrayana, etc. It has been brought to China in the eighth century. The Chinese founder were Master Subhakarasimha, Master Vajrabodhi, Master Amoghavajra, the basic sutra were the Mahavairocana Sutra and the Vajra Paramount Sutra. The two great sutras are told by Mahavairocana (the Dharmakaya of Buddha Sakyamuni) about the inner joyance of dharma and the mystic mantra, so the lineage is also called as Mantrayana. It is believed that all things in the world including Buddhas and all beings are made from six fundamental elements: earth, water, fire, wind, sunyata and psyche. Physical entity belongs to the Matrix World; psyche belongs to the Vajra World, the two cannot be divided. Esoteric Buddhists practice the three-mystery yoga based on the dogma of Esoteric Buddhism, and achieve accomplishments. The rituals are very strict; the layout of mandala, offering, mantra recital and abhiseka must follow rigorous rules. One cannot learn or reveal the practice without the Acarya’s permission and instruction. It was prevailed in the Tang Dynasty and vanished after the Huichang Dharma Disaster in China. The lineage has been carried down in Japan since Acarya Huiguo taught the bag and baggage of Esoteric Buddhism to Kukai. It has undergone more than one thousand years ever since Kukai founded Mantrayana in Japan.

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